
day fifty-eight

We went to Wilson's Prom today, which turned out to be one of those "the Beuro of Meterology is wrong, of course I looked at the right place" things. There was lighting, thunder, terential rain and everything. But it cleared up long enough for us to take some photos down on the beach and make some sausages. Dad's friends, the Appleman's, came along but that was all right I guess. I was tired.

day fifty-seven

I made a fort in my room tonight, just because I could really. I lay there for a bit, doing nothing then took a photo of my doll. Again, because I could. I think my building a fort is symbolic for my not wanting to do any more school right now.

day fifty-six

This was one of the ones that I took on the 24th and because I didn't have time to take one today I am using this one. That's all.

day fifty-five

I took this at the netball courts. Though it doesn't really look like it. I actually took a lot of photos and had some trouble choosing which one to use but I eventually chose this one because I like the kind of symmetry it has. Neat, organised kind of symmetry. Also because my hair looks so cool.

day fifty-four

Piano was cancelled tonight because my piano teacher lost her voice (again). Things were a bit better today. I bought a hat (?) and gave Fiona her Esther Senior photograph. I never liked that my Sylvester cat toy was a boy that chased little birds around so it is a girl.

day fifty-three

Yesterday's downward spiral must have been having such a good time because it continued on to today. Yay. It got better at the end though, we played Wii sports. I took a photo of this same flower a couple of weeks back when it was a beautiful purple and look at it now. I hate summer.

day fifty-two

Well, what a ghastly day today was. It started out all right and then continued on its steadily downward spiral. My day involved crying, comforting and hiding. In the dictionary there is a direct reference to today under "terrible". Even Pen is sad, see.

day fifty-one

It was just Mum and I today at home with Liz and Dad off fishing. They left at 6am which is one of the many reasons I dislike fishing. Mum and I had a beautiful lunch at Eviva (I had a prawn & avacado pizza mmm) and then chocolate mousse cake for dessert. The Coffee's came for dinner & we ate dessert then too so I am stuffed right now. Liz and I had fun going through Flickr photos and trying on funny hats.

day fifty

It was the school swimming carnival today. I didn't swim but kind of wished that I did. It was so hot. Everyone always dresses up according to a theme and this year the theme was 'fantasy". was a blue fairy, Mel was Sailor Venus, Fi was a smurf and Jess was Jasmine from Aladin. I was given free reign by the campus director to take photos of costumes but I particuarly like this one for some reason. That's my homeroom teacher in the black, religious co-ordinator in the white and my house co-ordinator in the blue/red. Afterwards Fi, Mel, Jess and I went to see Valentines Day which kind of sucked.

day forty-nine

I like how the hat and coat hanging on Mum's mirror look like a person, sort of. You can tell the days when nothing really happens but school and homework. Perhaps a little TV-time happening between those things too. Gilmore Girls today. I want to be Rory.

day forty-eight

I've decided to enter a photograph competition that I saw in the local newspaper. Since I don't turn eighteen till July, I can enter the 10-17 competition, which in my opinion, will make the competition less fierce. Or at least I hope it will. This is right behind one of my most favourite houses. I was taking pictures of the magnificent willow tree but this seemed a lot better.

day forty-seven

I had piano tonight. It was good because I got to commence learning the new songs from the Harry Potter films that Liz got for her birthday. I also watched Sabrina, which I have decided is my favourite of Audrey Hepburn's persona's. Aside from Eliza of course. Audrey Hepburn is very beautiful, just like my mother in this photo. She made me get on the bench top to take it.

day forty-six

Ah, Mondays. In some ways good, but in most ways bad. Today was just an average sort of a day. That's all really.

day forty-five

I worked my last ever (I hope!) shift at K-mart today. I am just so glad to be rid of the place. In honor of this auspicious occasion, we had a sort-of mini-feast. For breakfast there was chocolate and strawberry pancakes, I was at work for lunch, finished then for a starter I made a garlic/cheese/bacon sour-dough bread. Following that came lasange (Liz's birthday choice it was sort of a birthday dinner for her as well) and then came Mum's pavlova. This is a photo of the strawberries on top of it. Happy Valentines Day.

day forty-four

This is my (not-so-good) attempt at, I think its called duplicating? I'm not too sure. I had to look for a costume for the up-and-coming school swimming carnival today. The theme is "Fantasy". Except I'm in blue house so that limits it down to fairy, cinderella, smurf or avatar. I chose fairy, sort of. I got a giant blue dog (?) some fairy wings and a giant fake blue flower. Random.

day forty-three

Friday: it comes, it goes and then along comes the weekend where you can do anything you want. Fridays always seem to go slow but not today really. It was just a school day, nothing more. Except... (cue the 'Buh buh bom") it rained today! It rained last night too, work was flooded, but it was a reasonable temperature today! I love it. This was me trying to be Indiana Jones (I'm wearing the hat) and failing. Meh.

day forty-two

Third-last shift at work tonight. I can't wait, I've always hated it so much. Today I was so tired because we didn't get home till about one in the morning and then I had to get up to go to school. In class, I was resting my head on pencil case and the teacher just dumped the papers on me.

day forty-one

Liz turned turned fifteen today. And what a coincidence that on her birthday we just happened to be going to see Taylor Swift in concert. When she sang "Fifteen" Liz was yelling 'I'm fifteen today!'. It was an amazing concert. Taylor was just so great with the crowd and it was really interesting. I wanted just about every piece of clothing she was wearing too. They were beautiful.

day forty

How Penny loves to bark. She is deaf now and the vet says that she barks to feel the vibrations in her chest. Dad says that it is because she is a dog and we never taught her what "Quiet!" means. Either way, she is barking right now as I type this.

day thirty-nine

I felt so tired, grumpy, annoyed, hot, sweaty, worn out... I could go on and on... when I got home today. The year ten's at school have no respect for their elders and are so rude and arrogant it can be very hard not to squash them sometimes. This heat is unbearable. But, it will eventually go away. Piano was moved to tonight because Mum has a function on Tuesday. I am going to start learning John Lennon's Imagine. Ironic.

day thirty-eight

Exactly one week from today I will have finished working at the most horrid place ever. I am looking forward to it. I get so tired and annoyed after work that I think that everyone else is rather looking forward to it as well. I love how Pen just randomly walks into my shots and makes them.

day thirty-seven

We had a sort-of Birthday dinner for Dad and Grandma tonight, inviting our neighbours from England over to thank them for helping organise Dad's present. It was a BBQ and Dad cooked for us all on it. It was a good night, Liz and I watched Stardust when the talk got too dull (or too excited) for us. We borrowed a whole lot of movies from Wendy and John.

day thirty-six

One whole week of school has gone by and already I am feeling tired. It wasn't even as if it was a very big week or anything. It was just... there. Grandma is here and being slightly annoying, as per usual. I don't mind though because at least she is here.

day thirty-five

The most truly horrible days may be where something awful happens or they could be the days where you watch the Grey's Anatomy season opener before going to work and just about burst into tears at everything. That was my day. I got yelled at for sitting on the dog food. Two weeks then I never have to go there again if i don't want to.

day thirty-four

It was my Dad's fiftieth birthday today. We got him a new BBQ (because he old one was getting really shabby) and he made us chicken on it for dinner. This is him and Pen waiting for the chicken to cook. Dad wanted to give Pen a hug before we took her for her walk.

day thirty-three

Two days into school and already I am staying up until midnight doing homework. Ugh. This year is going to be a challenge all right.
This is my piano teacher's dog. Her name is Lily and she used to be playful but then she grew up and now she will only lay there on top of the couch. It was our first piano lesson of the year tonight.

day thirty-two

Today was the dreaded first day back at school. It wasn't too bad though. It was almost as if nothing had changed. Except that now I get a brand new top locker and a whole heap of work to go with it.

day thirty-one

I call this one "I don't want to go back in chains". Or rope. But I was holding a chain. School tomorrow. There's the explanation. It's also because I spent my last day of freedom working. Two weeks to go. And wow, a month already? It's going to be slightly harder keeping track of my photos now as the numbers won't correspond with the dates. But I think I'll survive.