
day ninety

I made these sticky-date muffin a cup things today. They were nice but tomorrow I am going to cook some special Easter ones to take to Grandma's on Friday which will be chocolate (of course) and hopefully even better.


day eighty-nine

Liz and I were at home by ourselves today and we spent most of this freedom knitting. Her a beret and me the start of a light blue jacket. For the rest of our time we rode down to get lunch and knitting needles. So yeah, our day was basically knitting while watching NCIS much to Mum's annoyance.

day eighty-eight

I participated in the "Uni Student 4 A Day" program today, which basically meant I followed this fourth-year Education student around for the day. It was really fun, I had a blast. The girl I was following turned out to be two girls actually as her friend was there the whole day too. We first had two lectures then a skipping lesson (yes, a skipping lesson) and then an art/music tutorial where I made this collage. I love University.

day eighty-seven

This is Elizabeth. She's absolutely wonderful and a blessing. We left Alex today and its always sad leaving Elizabeth behind because now that she no longer has Grandpa I feel as if she is alone a lot of the time. The drive back was terrible, its an awfully windy road back home and I always always always feel sick when we drive through.

day eighty-six

We travelled to Dad's hometown today to do some work on Grandpa's house and see his partner, Elizabeth. This was taken in my Grandpa's bathroom with Liz. I just love the strange sixties wallpaper everywhere, and the fact that Dad left it there while fixing the place up. Today was a great day with Liz, we walked to the local park and swung on the swings. Afterwards we went to the local restraunt where we waited an hour and a half to be served. We always seem to be forgotten in restraunts.

day eighty-five

I spent most of today fixing up the dress I began sewing a couple of weeks ago. It didn't turn out too bad, but it's still not quite finished yet. I have yet to hem it and sew in a few loose ends. I hope to be able to sew well one day, with a lot more practice.

day eighty-four

Last day of school before the Easter holiday's today! I left school early which was oddly exhilirating because I had a study last. My English teacher gave me an Easter Egg which was also odd but nice and I found out that Italian's don't have an Easter bunny. Poor deprived Italians.

day eighty-three

We watched Indiana Jones again (I like that movie) after a bad day. Woopee.

day eighty-two

I took this at Tania's, I drive out too our piano lessons most Tuesdays. I'll be 18 soon and will have to go in for my P's but for now I am stuck with the intrusive yellow square in my rear-view mirror. It's pretty exciting to be able to drive though, even if I don't particularly like it.

day eighty-one

The sky looks like fire at sunset. One week left of school this week. I wore my hair curly to school for the first time since it got cut. That always makes me nervous. I like it though.

day eighty

We went home today, only staying one night with our relatives. I loved eating breakfast outside on the veranda and then playing catch with Liz afterwards. It's made want my own balcony even more. The view out of this window was great. I sat at the dining table and did my maths homework looking out among the beautiful river with swans dancing on the surface. It was very poetic.


day seventy-nine

We all went to Lake's Entrance this weekend to visit my Dad's Aunty and his cousin, Emma who is back from Germany. The house had wonderful views and Liz and I mainly just sat there. It was good though. Liz wasn't too happy about the bunk-beds we had to sleep in, they kind of freak her out. This is basically what we did, set the timer on and make faces at the camera lazy-style.


day seventy-eight

I had my super-duper-really-big oral this morning at 11.10. Terrible time if you ask me but then again I would say that any time was terrible. I felt like it didn't go all too well so fingers crossed. We got the whole day off because of it and afterwards I went and got my hair cut. Dad took me to his work tonight and so of course I just had to climb all over the palletes and take photos.

day seventy-seven

I had my Biology tutor come over tonight. Otherwise, it was a Thursday which is pretty much it and I spent most of it stressing about my big English oral tomorrow.

day seventy-six

Happy St. Patricks day to anyone who cares! In honour of this occasion I have tinted today's photo green and taken it in front of something green. Not very imaginative but there you go. I like my green bracelets, a couple of which are really aqua.


day seventy-five

My piano teacher got a new horse. I personally like brown horses better but they were all out somewhere or another and I wanted a photo of a horse.


day seventy-four

Two SACs in one day is overwhelming. I had a LOTE one and a Biology one. Not happy Jan. Upside of today was that it is my Onomastico, or Italian name day today. Natural light in my bedroom, freaky because it really looked pink like this.

day seventy-three

I love this, Liz looks so pretty. We came home today from Walkerville. I actually took this yesterday just outside the cemetary but liked it so much I decided to use it as today's photo.

day seventy-two

It was a great day today. I woke really early for some reason and was able to take photos of the sunset. This is Dad and this photo was a complete accident because I wasn't even looking into the viewfinder! We played tennis, read books, did some homework, and went for the traditional walk to the kilns except this time Mum, liz and I went all the way to the old cemetary at the top of the hill. Creepy.

day seventy-one

I went to school today only because I was too afraid of missing out on a lot. I had to finish the second half of my English SAC and collected all that dreaded homework. After school we packed up and went to Walkerville for the weekend. I took this while ankle deep in a rock pool.

day seventy

Mum stayed home from work to take me to the doctors today. My dreadfull illness is really nothing more than some sort of viral infection. When Liz got home from school we all went to the park at Tyres to take photos but then on the way back we saw all these cute calves and stopped to take pictures of them. They were all running about chasing each other and it was very cute.

day sixty-nine

Oh I am just so cool when I am home sick. I stayed home today because I just felt awful. Thus the bad photo taken in my pjs.

day sixty-eight

I couldn't go to piano tonight because I felt so sick. Ugh. Instead I watched Sister Act 2. Exciting day. I did the first half of my big English anaylis SAC today. These are Liz's Audrey Hepburn drawings, she was watching Breakfast at Tiffanys and was drawing all of Holly's outfits.

day sixty-seven

I was playing with the monocrome setting on my camera today. Liz decided to help. We had a day off today because it was some sort of public holiday.

day sixty-six

Rain, rain, rain and more rain. It is so very wet.

day sixty-five

It was raining like crazy today! There was flooding practically everywhere. Melbourne had hail the size of golf balls, we didn't have anything quite like that, just a lot of rain, lighting and thunder. Penny had to sleep in the laundry because she just doesn't understand and gets so scraed poor thing.


day sixty-four

Ugh, my throat has been killing me all day, literally. Okay, so not literally but you get the idea. I could barely focus on my schoolwork which was terrible because I am preparing for so many SACs. This is Liz being the Bean-bag Lady. So cool.


day sixty-three

I met my Biology tutor this afternoon. His name's Byron and he's really nice. Smart too, which is convinient in a tutor. I got chosen to go and help the year 10's with their goal setting activities which to anyone else is boring but I thought that it was a lot of fun. During maths Ms. McCormak just randomly came round to all the classes and handed out free icy-poles because it was so hot. It was nice.

day sixty-two

The start-of-year mass at school was today, joy of all joys. It was so much more incredibly dull and long this year because they had the hall set out in the most inconvient way possible so that no-one except those in the first and second rows could actually see anything much at all. Last year's was great because we had a different priest and he started talking about how we see too much porn on TV. His words, not mine.

day sixty-one

Tania lent me the piano music to The Phantom of The Opera. I like it, surprisingly it is very pretty. I love Tania's piano some days and other days it is big and annoying. Today I loved it.

day sixty

I was researching Australian's at war for my English oral this afternoon. I love history, it can be so interesting at times. I could spend hours reading about World War One or the history of

Shakespeare. I especially love reading books set/written in history. Old times. I like it. this is one of my Grandfather's pins. It just represents my day today. Standing tall.


day fifty-nine

Mum and I took Pen for a walk today, which to anyone else might not be all that unusual but for Pen it is because she will get tired very quickly and we are always worrying about her leg. The blue thing is Penny's poo bag, oh how I find the most interesting things to photograph.