
day one hundred and forty-seven

It's Mum's birthday today. She was very spoilt with a new ring and Pandora charm plus lots of little gifts. I think she had a good day, we went out for tea. I haven't been feel too well though I had the day off school yesterday and went home early today.

day one hundred and forty-six

I took this last night on the way home from piano but I liked it too much to leave it out. The lights look like people crossing the road.

day one hundred and forty-five

We were back at Tania's tonight after a few weeks of lessons at her sister's in town. I like Tania's piano better, hands down. And her animals, can't forget the animals.

day one hundred and forty-four

Pen is sometimes allowed inside in the mornings (when Dad isn't around). She just sniffs around and gets very excited. She isn't calm and won't sit still till you show her food. Then she looks like this.

day one hundred and forty-three

This is the perfect time of year for apples. I made a cover for my camera strap today.

day one hundred and forty-two

I rode my bike down the street to pick up prints from K-mart and it was such a picture-perfect day. The farmer's market was just packing up and all the leaves had changed colour. I love Autumn, so does Mum.

day one hundred and forty-one

Byron was here tonight. I hate exams, especially Biology ones and I just want it to go away. There was the most incredible sunset though.

day one hundred and forty

Sometimes, my backyard is great. Like when I want random photos with flare. But most of the time it is Pen's poop yard.

day one hundred and thirty-nine

Again, I cheated but this is what we do at school anyways. I don't even remember what I did today.

day one hundred and thirty-eight

I hate Tuesdays. And Wednesdays. And Thursdays and Fridays. But not Saturdays, which is when this was taken. Yes, I cheated. Get over it.

day one hundred and thirty-seven

I actually took this on Friday in Literature. This is what we do instead of studying for our Sac causing me to waste my Sunday doing mine: taking random webcam photos.

day one hundred and thirty-six

Spent today doing my Literature stuff. The passage to India is an awfully long and boring one. I like to steal my sister's shoes.


day one hundred and thirty-five

I spent the majority of my day today at school. Not that unsual except that it's a Saturday today. I was at the "Biology Spectacular" as my teacher called it, but it was really just a tutorial in preparation for the exams. It was actually quite good, we got chips and I talked about the Bell Jar a bit. Back at home I made this, which is actually supposed to be an owl but I didn't have any felt for the eyes so I'll have to finish it another time.

day one hundred and thirty-four

We said goodbye to the Land Rover this afternoon. Dad was a bit emotional. We've had it for ten years or more, so it's understandable.

day one hundred and thirty-three

Okay, I cheated again, but I like this picture for some reason. This was me as Alice in Wonderland for Caroline's 18th.

day one hundred and thirty-two

I'm considering hosting an Italian exchange student again for a week but I don't think that I will end up doing it as the week falls right over my birthday and Grandpa's death. It's been making me think about Italy though, I miss the excitement of somewhere new.

one hundred and thirty-one

The window is so blue! It's kind of creepy. We didn't have piano tonight for some forgotten reason and I fell asleep while watching one of my favourite shows, which is weird. So a weird day.

day one hundred and thirty

I received my lovely new necklace in the mail today! I bought about a week and a half ago from Dear Golden Vintage. I love it, it's so pretty.

day one hundred and twenty-nine

Happy Mother's Day! We got Mum a Wii Fit (which is what she wanted) but she couldn't use it on account of her bad back. She'll be able to use it soon though as it is getting a lot better. For dinner we made yummy home-made chicken ravioli.

day one hundred and twenty-eight

Tonight I got all dressed up as Alice in Wonderland and went with Mel to our (sort of) friend Caroline's 18th birthday party. Mel was Holly Golightly except no-one knew who she was. It was a fun night, but not really what I like. There was a lot of jumping, it made my head dizzy.

day one hundred and twenty-seven

This is my Biology tutor, Byron. He's from Singapore and comes around most weeks. I really really really dislike year twelve and wish it would just go away.

day one hundred and twenty-six

Liz was working tonight. She started her new job a couple of days ago at a patisserie. I think she likes it, I sure do: she brings home all the left over treats after every shift!

day one hundred and twenty-five

We had piano tonight instead of on Tuesday. Michelle and Xavier were there which was a pleasant surprise, its always good when you refer someone to something and it turns out really good.

day one hundred and twenty-four

I don't like this one very much but oh well. Mum hemmed the Laura Ashley dress. I'm going to wear it to the 18th I'm going to with Melissa on Saturday. I'm supposed to be Alice in Wonderland and I suppose once I add the pinafore and the stockings and things then I'll look a bit like Alice.

day one hundred and twenty-three

The school went full-on WW2 army official today. It has to be the most ridiculous thing that they have ever done, and the lowest level they have ever sank to. They faked a fire drill during first period then, after sending the guys away, they forced all the girls to line up in three rows to check the length of their kilts. Appreciating your school now?

day one hundred and twenty-two

We took the new car for a sort of "test run" today up past Licola and into the mountains. There are such spectacular views from up their but as I am (no) not very good at landscapes yet Mum took this. I love how long my hair has gotten. The Coffee's came with as did their uncle who by chance as the exact same car as us with the plates being one number different.

day one hundred and twenty-one

I've hurt my left hand this time. It's strapped but it's killing me. Mum and I bought this Laura Ashley dress at the op-shop. It's never been worn before, still had the $279 price tag on it. I love it.

day one hundred and twenty

Lazy day Fridays. With very early sunsets now. This was taken just after five. By five-thirty it is so dark. And it's getting colder too which is a good thing, I like our sort of cold.

day one hundred and nineteen

This is a cheat picture because I actually took it on the weekend but the point of it is that we got our new car tonight! It's pretty awesome.

day one hundred and eighteen

The one and only full length mirror in our house is in Mum's room and you can barely see yourself in it what for all the scarves and jackets hanging on it.

day one hundred and seventeen

Liz loves fashion design and has been painting these (slightly alien-looking) figures. She designed the clothes that they're wearing though, which is pretty cool.

day one hundred and sixteen

Boring school day again. I've taken to listening to my iPod before going to bed instead of reading to avoid getting into a novel and not reading my school ones. The song playing is Runaway by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

day one hundred and fifteen

Mum, Liz and I went to the Art show at the Royal Exhibition centre, which is an amazing building. I actually like the building a bit more than I did most of the paintings. There were some really nice ones though. This is the church steeple across the road from the Melbourne Museum and the Exhibition centre.

day one hundred and fourteen

We went with Melissa to the Careers festival in the city. It was busy, interesting, boring and full of pushy parents but worth the trip. Melissa left us to return home on the train and we travelled on to our hotel then to Victoria Market. After that we saw Avatar at IMAX.