Mum and I went to LaTrobe Uni to have a look around at their open day and ended up... hating it. There was so much concrete! Everyone was in a pretty bad mood for the four-hour trip home too so the day kind of sucked.
Year 12 jumpers arrived today. I like them, or at least I'm warming up to them. But still, they're not so bad. (BTW, I don't wear jeans to school, we have kilts and blazers and ties and a whole lot of dressing to do in the morning.)
Another one from the coming weekend. Man, I'm lazy this week, mostly because of my various illnesses (infections and procrastination disease). This is my cousin's cat, Tilly. The most patient cat I have ever seen. If you had seen her put up with my young cousins you would think so too.
This is from the coming weekend (I'm lazy). It's at this awesome little cafe in Woodend. The whole place was gorgeous, really. Odd fact: I don't like coffee.
My sewing machine has been getting a work out this weekend. I made myself this skirt (which is slightly too big). I love the fabric and some left over so I'm going to be trying to make something out of that. It has an obi-belt which is cool too.
Mum and I travelled to Sale today for lunch and some shopping. I had the yummiest orange there. It was some kind of sorbet thing but it tasted so good! I bought a scarf but that was all really. My scarf collection is growing so large I am going to need some more hooks soon.
Fridays are boring. This was in the card shop a couple of towns over. I wanted the purple teddy-bear next to this but i wasn't exactly willing to fork out $100 for a bear. Even if it was purple.
I love my new Spring dress. Of course, it is far too cold to wear it at the moment which is a drag but what can you do? This is definately going on my To-Bring-to-New-Zealand list.
So I took this yesterday. But it looked so mesmorising that I felt like I just had to include it. There was a casual clothes day at school, only the year twelves attended and it was good.
After my lesson today I just HAD to make something and Mum suggesting making her a bag for plastic bags. It was so easy and the perfect tester for my gorgeous machine.
I finally used my new sewing machiene today in between feeling sick and watching tv. I just did a test run because I couldn't even wait till my lesson tomorrow and it is so EASY. Unbelievebly easy compared to our last sewing machine. I love it. 6-8-10
I was sick so this is from another day. I did nothing today but watch Grey's Anatomy and eat mandarin jellies (which happen to be the most awesome thing ever, or at least this week).
Melissa bought this gorgeous vintage necklace for me for my birthday. I love it, expecially the colour. Aqua like this can be so pretty. Home sick again today. Big fun.
This blog is a document, one of many, of my final year in high school. By (hopefully) completing taking a photo a day for the whole of 2010, I will give you an insight into my life. And who am I? I am me, Louise.